“Happiness and fulfillment do not come from pleasure but from meaning, from pursuit of a noble purpose.” – Fred Kofman “Conscious Business” When’s the last time you [...]
At the World Economic Forum in January 2009, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu offered this advice to the assembled CEOs: “Never waste a good crisis.” In other words, a crisis is an [...]
Quote of the Week “The only authentic leadership requirement is that you not be blind to what others think of you and that you not act in blindness.” –Peter Koestenbaum, PhD
Learning to Learn as Leaders: interesting research on the role of podcast Recent research published in the Atlantic Monthly, quoting an article in iTimes – University and the Classroom: [...]
Quote of the Week If you want to truly understand something, try to change it. ~Kurt Lewin
-A model of authenticity and greatness- A few days ago, Susan Boyle took the world by storm on Britain’s Got Talent TV show. An unknown, small town woman takes the stage to snickers and [...]
Quote of the Week “A leader’s role is to raise people’s aspirations for what they can become and to release their energies so they will try to get there.” –David R. Gergen
It’s a highly engaging film with great images, music and all the elements of a good story where street kids prevail against amazing odds, boy gets girl, brother gone to the dark side to survive [...]
With revenues down, industries in crisis, consumers buying less and wanting different, job losses and the mortgage crisis there is much to be concerned about. The question is: how do we relate [...]
Quote of the Week “We are what we repeatedly do.” Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.” –Aristotle