• about transformation strategies

About Us

Transformation Strategies is a leadership development and organizational change consulting firm founded in 1998 to bring leading-edge management tools to business, non-profits and government. We have successfully helped corporations, universities, government agencies and small businesses to increase productivity, improve teamwork, enhance processes and effectively manage change.

As a small firm, we are committed to providing our clients with individualized, customized service. There are no canned solutions, no off-the-shelf reports. We are expert in getting organizations (large and small) to work together, to create change for growth and results. People tell us that things are different: “not only do we agree on plans and strategies, but we are working together differently. This is what makes the future brighter and the work we’ve done sustainable – the gift that keeps on giving!”

Our Team

Our team is highly skilled, deeply experienced and committed to creating learning and positive change in organizations and the world around us. We have a small core team, an extended coaching bench and consulting cadre and work closely with two global networks. We deliver locally, nationally and globally.

Guiding Principles

We think long and hard about our work and we have fun doing it. In reflecting on what we do and why we do it, we’ve come up with some guiding principles.


Corporate, government, non-profit – our clients run the spectrum. From global companies to the acupuncture clinic on the corner that serves the homeless. We find creative ways to apply our craft in radically different contexts and collect perspectives from different industries and organizational cultures to cross-fertilize as we go.


Over the years we’ve built fantastic relationships with others whose work complements ours. We are part of two global networks, representing them in the US and bringing our expertise to their work around the world. In recent years work with our partners has taken us to London, Hong Kong, Helsinki, North Carolina, New Jersey, Dallas, Vienna, Rio de Janeiro, Serbia, Kosovo and Liberia.